There's been a bit of controversy down at the evening timetrials on the A31 over the last few weeks with a rider-car incident. Cue letter in the local paper asking for a ban on TTs on the road. And other letters for the defense of the timetrials. So watch out for speeding car drivers, talking on mobile phones and forgetting that it doesn't matter what the 'vehicle' in front of you is it's your responsibility not to drive into it
While Gabriel Martinez is consistently the fastest rider Chris Day is keeping the gap respectable with only 21 seconds between them over ten miles. Nick Humby turned in a short 24 for 7th. Over 25 miles the gap's gone out a bit with both riders turning in fast times - Gabriel in 53.52 and Chris 56.06. Rumour has it that Gabriel ducked under the 20 minute mark this week for a 10 mile TT.
Welcome to VC Meudon News pages
Meanwhile down on the A31
Eelmore Results 16th June
Youths Results
D Boys
1 - Jake Kennedy - P Park Velo - D
D Girls
1 - Lucy Coleman - P Park Velo - D
E Boys
1 - William Colegate - P Park Velo - E
2 - Ben Coppola - VC.Meudon - E
B Boys
1 - Cormac Scully-King - V C Meudon - B
A Boys
1 - Liam Keynes - 1st Gear Cycles - A
2 - Jason Brown - P Park Velo - A
A Girls
1 - Ellie Walton - East Street Cycles - A
3/4 Race
1 - Adrian Goatley - P M
2 - Justin Radford - Python RT
3 - Gareth Dickinson - Farnborough & Camberley CC
4 - Nick Onslow -
5 - Darren Franklin - VC Meudon
6 - James Duwsbier - London Dynamo
7 - John Hyde - DH Cyclesport
8 - Mark Workman - Festival RC
9 - Tristan Matoli - Charlotteville CC
10 - David Wilson - Charlotteville CC
1 - Tim Elverson - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team
2 - Justin Hoy - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team
3 - Chris Tune - P M
4 - Tom Smith - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team
5 - Neil Cooper - AW
6 - Pete Wager - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team
7 - Stephen Bradbuny - AWCycles
8 - Lee Smith - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team
9 - James Bracey - VC Meudon
10 - Mark Ottaway - VC Meudon
11 - David Creeggan - VC Meudon
12 - Richard Mardle - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team
13 - John Wager - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team
14 - Robert King - AW Cycles
15 - Luke Merrilees - Wyndymilla
Eelmore Results 23rd June
E12 Race
1 - Peter Wager - Felt-Colbornes RT
2 - Richard Mardle - Felt-Colbornes RT
3 - Tim Elverson - Felt-Colbornes RT
4 - Justin Hoy - Felt-Colbornes
5 - James Bracey - VC Meudon
6 - Will Fox - Team Zappi's
7 - Adrian Goatley
8 - Thomas Smith - Felt-Colbornes RT
9 - Neil Cooper - AW Cycles
10 - Dexter Gardias - Team Zappi's
11 - David Creeggan - VC Meudon
12 - Paul Pickup - Team Cycle Kingdom
13 - Christopher Minter -
14 - Henry Furniss - WyndyMilla Maxifuel
15 - Mark Ottaway - VC Meudon
3/4 Race
1 - Steven James -
2 - David Farmer -
3 - Nicholas Onslow -
4 - Gareth Dickinson - Farnborough & Camberley CC
5 - Justin Radford - Python Racing Team
6 - David Wilson - Charlotteville CC
7 - James Dunsbier - London Dynamo/Prologue
8 - Jonathan Heal - Farnborough & Camberley CC
9 - Mark Cracknell - AW Cycles
10 - Gavin Morton - Charlotteville CC
D Boys
1 - Damon KING - P Park Velo
2 - Joe McGuinness - P Park Velo
3 - Jake Kennedy - P Park Velo
B Boys
1 - Cormac Scully-King - V C Meudon
A Boys
1 - Rory Townsend - Hillingdon Slip Streamers
2 - Jamie Fry - North Hants RC
3 - Jason Brown - P Park Velo
A Girls
1 - Ellie Walton - East Street Cycles
Eelmore Photographs
You might have spotted Duncan Smith at Eelmore over the past few weeks - he's the guy lying within inches of your chain rings as you bank it over in the hairpins.
Duncan has some great photographs on his website
Check the Eelmore galleries for a picture of yourself and order a copy using the onsite order form - none of me there yet :((
Eelmore Circuit Race Photographs
Argentina photo exhibition
Chris Linaker is a local cyclist and photographer who recently won a national competition to go to Argentina to take sporting phototgraphs - he chose cycling as his subject. Chris is a recent graduate of the well regarded University of the Creative Arts which is based in Farnham. Later in the year he will be working at the Commonwealth Games in India and possibly looking for some local subjects.
You can see some of the work at:
Trying the WXCRL
An alternative to the Surrey League is the Wessex Cycle Racing League which is mostly held around.....Wessex. A quick blast down the M3 from Fleet and you're there. The organisers are currently looking for riders to support the Barnsfield Heath races which are held on a good 3.5 mile off road - ie no traffic - circuit. They need around 70 riders per race day spread across the different category races to break even.
Some of us recently went down to the WXCRL races on the Applemore circuit in the New Forest for a couple of evening mid-week 2/3/4 events. It made a nice change of scenery and the journey time was similar to going to Goodwood. It's an attractive fast circuit and the first race finished with three of us in the top ten. There were hundreds of horses around but with no riders on them they seemed to behave and keep away from the bunch unlike the large cow that wandered across the road on the last lap. Second race and Mark Ottaway set out his plan early not to go in any breaks - unlike the previous week. This time it worked perfectly and with everything coming together shortly before the finish, come the uphill drag to the line it was Mark who timed his jump perfectly to take the win.
Information and entries:
Cycling guinea pigs wanted
We are looking to recruit well trained male cyclists between the ages of 18 and 40 for our upcoming research here at Brunel University, West London. We will be investigating the effects of progressive dehydration on cerebral blood flow and oxygenation during prolonged submaximal and maximal exercise in the heat.
The study will involve measurements of cerebral oxygenation, cerebral blood flow, core temperature and blood pressure during prolonged submaximal and maximal cycling exercise in a warm environment. Subjects will experience dehydration during exercise and when maintaining hydration status by ingesting fluids.
This study requires 5 separate visits to the laboratory. The first visit will be used to assess your maximal aerobic capacity (i.e., V02 max) and will last no longer than 30 minutes. Visits 2-3 will incorporate cycling in the heat, which will last a maximum of 2 hours each. The final 2 visits will
be the main experiment consisting of the progressive dehydration trial and the euhydration or normal hydration trial and will last 5-6 hours each.
If you are interested in participating or have any questions regarding our study please feel free to contact myself or my research partner Inaki.
Please would you forward to this onto members of your club.
Kind Regards,
Benjamin Garcia
Duncan Starts End-to-End Challenge
Here's Duncan about an hour ago, almost ready to start his End-to-End in 72 hours Challenge
Follow his progress on his facebook page
Ride a 10 Mile TT - 24th July
CRAWLEY WHEELERS Open 10 mile Time Trial
Saturday 24rd July 2010 “G10/57 Crawley Course”
Ernie Dore Trophy and various Prizes
Promoted for and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under their Rules and Regulations
Prizes for
1st, 2nd & 3rd overall
1st, 2nd & 3rd Vets on standard
Fastest vet.
1st & 2nd Ladies
Fastest team of 3
The Ernie Dore Trophy – awarded to the fastest rider under 24 minutes
who has not previously ridden a 10 in under 24 minutes.

Please send entries and a cheque for £8.00, made payable to
Crawley Wheelers, to:
Andy Taylor
9 Wells Close
Plumpton Green
East Sussex
Tel: 07733 362124
Closing date for entries is 16th July 2010
Entry forms/details available from
H/Q Broadbridge Heath, Horsham
Youth racing @ Eelmore
With a few Eelmores left there's time to get kids to try racing on a safe circuit and keep them away from more unsuitable sports. See the incentives section for free membership and details of how they can earn easy pocketmoney from the club by racing.
Flying vets
Eelmore Overall - Youths - after 9 events
So far 9 events have been completed - 5 remaining - best 10 placings only to count.
Prize Giving - 14th July
D Boys
1 - Damon KING - P Park Velo - D - 21
2 - Joe McGuinness - P Park Velo - D - 19
3 - Jay Allen - P Park Velo - D - 8
4 - Jake Kennedy - P Park Velo - D - 6
5 - Dominic Day - V.C.Meudon - D
D Girls
1 - Liberty Hards - VC Meudon - D - 19
2 - Lucy Coleman - P Park Velo - D - 18
3 - Evie Epps - VC Meudon - D - 3
4 - Darcey McCrossan - - D - 2
E Boys
1 - Jake Epps - VC Meudon - E - 6
2 - William Colegate - P Park Velo - E - 5
3 - Ben Coppola - VC Meudon - E - 3
C Girls
1 - Cydney Epps - VC Meudon - C - 6
B Boys
1 - Cormac Scully-King - VC Meudon - B - 15
2 - Louis Mashani - Hillingdon Slip Streamers - B - 3
B Girls
1 - Katie Metalli - BCDS - B - 3
A Boys
1 - Jason Brown - P Park Velo - A - 17
2 - Rory Townsend - Hillingdon Slip Streamers - A - 13
3 - Ross King - Velo Schils Interbike - A - 11
A Girls
1 - Ellie Walton - East Street Cycles - A - 3
Eelmore Overall - 34 - after 9 events
So far 9 events have been completed - 5 remaining - best 10 placings only to count.
Prize Giving - 14th July
1 - Robert McCarthy - VC Meudon - 51
2 - Nick Onslow - - 50
3 - James Bracey - VC Meudon - 50
4 - Adrian Goatley - PM - 40
5 - Adam Morris - Army CU - 20
6 - Mark Workman - Festival RC - 19
7 - Michael Widera - - 16
8 - Lee Garner - Team Quest The bike Shop - 16
9 - Gavin Mitchell - Twickenham CC - 15
10 - Julian Frankland - Cheltenham&County CC - 14
11 - Ian Black - Norwood Paragon - 11
12 - Karl Norfolk - - 10
12 - Jon Lewis - Charlotteville CC - 10
12 - Justin Radford - Python RT - 10
12 - Kenta Gallagher - Scott UK - 10
16 - Phil Sheehan - Mikevaughan - 9
16 - Kieran Dineen - Inverse Racing - 9
16 - Sam Gardner - Cannondale - 9
16 - Steve James - - 9
20 - Sam Sturgeon - 8
21 - Trotan Natolie - Charcotteville - CC 7
21 - Mark Cracknell - - 7
21 - James Duwsbier - London Dynamo - 7
24 - Scott Oatridge - V C Deal - 6
24 - Gabriel Montinel - CYCLE KINGDOM RACE TEAM - 6
24 - Jon Noton - Inverse Racing/Bikefood - 6
24 - James Carter - London Dynamo - 6
24 - Andy Edwards - Kingston Wheeler - 6
29 - Carsten Duke - Defac Shrivenham - 5
29 - Benjamino Morhs - 5
29 - David Barnaurice - Sigma Sport - 5
29 - Trevor Bradbury - Reading CC - 5
33 - Rory Townsend - Hillingdon Slip - 4
33 - Gareth Dickinson - Farnborough & Camberley CC - 4
33 - Dan Lillow - Wyndymilla - 4
33 - Kevin Holloway - VC 10 - 4
33 - Chris Day - VC Meudon - 4
33 - Dave Farmer - Cycle Works.Co.Uk - 4
39 - Paul Cooper - Reading CC - 3
39 - Vaughan Luff - Dever Cycles - 3
41 - Robert Evans - PM - 2
42 - Mark Bremner - V C Meudon - 1
42 - Andy Dilkes - V C Meudon - 1
42 - Declan Higgins - Twickenham C C - 1
42 - Peter Day - Fareham Wheelers C.C - 1
Eelmore Overall - E12 - after 9 Races
So far 9 events have been completed - 5 remaining - best 10 placings only to count.
Prize Giving - 14th July
1 - Justin Hoy - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 115
2 - Tim Elverson - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 104
3 - Lee Smith - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 84
4 - Paul Pickup - Cycle Kingdom Race Team - 81
5 - John Wager - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 64
6 - Andes Christensen - Cycle Kingdom Race Team - 55
7 - Simon Ernest - AW Cycles - 50
8 - Robert King - AW Cycles - 48
9 - David Creeggan - VC Meudon - 42
9 - Richard Mardle - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 42
11 - Martin Smith - Kuota-Road CC - 34
12 - Tom Smith - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 28
13 - Pete Wager - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 27
13 - Blake Pond - Southfork Racing - 27
15 - Jamie Newall - Corley Cycles - 26
16 - Henry Furniss - Wyndymilla - 24
17 - Neil Cooper - AW - 22
18 - Waulter Sybrandy - Sigma Sport - 21
19 - Chris Snook - Banjo Cycles.Com - 19
20 - Christopher Minter - - 17
21 - Dan McCarthy - VC Meudon - 15
22 - Sam Allen - AW - 14
23 - Cristin Doyle - Swindon RC - 12
24 - Dave Larcombe - Cycle Kingdom Race Team - 10
24 - Darrell Pembroke - - 10
24 - Stephen Bradbuny - AWCycles - 10
27 - John Hollier - Southfern Racing - 9
28 - Darren Barclay - 8
28 - Sam Parker - Team Zappi - 8
30 - Gavin Spiers - AWCycles - 7
30 - Mark Ottaway - VC Meudon - 7
32 - Frsino Zappi - Team Zappi - 6
32 - Andy Hibberd - North Hants RC - 6
34 - Dexter Gardias - Team Zappi - 5
34 - Luke Merrilees - Wyndymilla - 5
36 - Chris Tune - PM - 4
36 - Allan Ridler - Army Cycling Union - 4
38 - Steve Richards - Cycle Kingdom Race Team - 3
39 - Joe Harris - Reading CC - 2
39 - James Wilson - Sigma Sport - 2
41 - Michael Widera - Sports Coaching .com - 1
41 - Ken Prince - VC Meudon - 1
41 - Mark Edwards - Thames Velo - 1
Eelmore Results 9th June
3/4 CATS
1 - Karl Norfolk - - 3
2 - Phil Sheehan - - 3
3 - Nick Onslow - - 3
4 - Trotan Natolie - Charcotteville CC - 3
5 - Scott Oatridge - VC Deal - 3
6 - Jon Lewis - Charlotteville CC - 3
7 - Rory Townsend - Hillingdon Slip - J
8 - Mark Cracknell - - 3V
9 - Gavin Mitchell - Twickenham CC - 3
10 - Mark Bremner - VC Meudon - 3V
1 - Justin Hoy - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - E
2 - Neil Cooper - AW - 2
3 - Martin Smith - Kuota-Road CC - EV
4 - Cristin Doyle - Swindon RC - 2
5 - Anders Christensen - Cycle Kingdom Race Team - 1
6 - David Creeggan - VC Meudon - E
7 - Simon Ernest - AW - 1
8 - Richard Mardle - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 1
9 - Dave Larcombe - Cycle Kingdom Race Team - 2V
10 - Pete Wager - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 1
11 - Robert King - AW Cycles - 2
12 - Tom Smith - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - E
13 - Gavin Spiers - - 2
14 - Mark Ottaway - VC Meudon - 2
15 - Michael Widera - Sports Coaching .com - 2
1 - Damon KING - P Park Velo - D
2 - Joe McGuinness - P Park Velo - D
3 - Jay Allen - P Park Velo - D
1 - Lucy Coleman - P Park Velo - D
1 - Ben Coppola - VC Meudon - E
1 - Cormac Scully-King - VC Meudon - B
1 - Katie Metalli - BCDS - B
1 - Ross King - Velo Schils Interbike - A
2 - Jason Brown - P Park Velo - A
3 - Rory Townsend - Hillingdon Slip Streamers - A
1 - Ellie Walton - East Street Cycles - A
Eelmore Results 2nd June
3/4 CATS
1 - Robert McCarthy - VC Meudon - 3
2 - Justin Radford - Python RT - 3
3 - Nick Onslow - - 3
4 - James Bracey - VC Meudon - 3
5 - Adrian Goatley - P M 3
6 - Carsten Duke - Defac Shrivenham - 3
7 - James Duwsbier - London Dynamo - 3
8 - Ian Black - Norwood Paragon - 3
9 - Robert Evans - PM - 3J
10 - Andy Dilkes - VC Meudon - 3
1 - Lee Smith - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - E
2 - John Wager - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - E
3 - Robert King - AW Cycles - 2
4 - Justin Hoy - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - E
5 - Tim Elverson - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - E
6 - Andes Christensen - Cycle Kingdom Race Team - 1
7 - Dan McCarthy - VC Meudon - 2
8 - Tom Smith - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - E
9 - Simon Ernest - AW Cycles - 1
10 - Frsino Zappi - Team Zappi - 1
11 - Darrell Pembroke - - 2
12 - Mark Ottaway - VC Meudon - 2
13 - Gavin Spiers - AWCycles - 2
14 - Joe Harris - Reading CC - 2
15 - Richard Mardle - Felt-Colbornes Racing Team - 1
1 - Damon KING - P Park Velo - D
2 - Joe McGuinness - P Park Velo - D
3 - Jake Kennedy - P Park Velo - D
1 - Liberty Hards - VC Meudon - D
2 - Darcey McCrossan - - D
1 - Cormac Scully-King - VC Meudon - B
1 - Ross King - Velo Schils Interbike - A
2 - Jason Brown - P Park Velo - A