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Mtbs, Aldershot and the army article.

From the Guardian:

Military land mountain bikers: stand and be counted

Continued reluctance to discuss the issue of biking on military land could leave responsible cyclists excluded from the debate

"Bike blog : Army land bikers come under fire from MoD The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced it could soon start using existing historic legislation to prosecute cyclists who stray into its training estates. Photograph: A. Walker

South-east England may not be blessed with the type of angular geography enjoyed by mountain bikers in Wales, Scotland and northern England, but with acres of army land as a substitute you'll rarely hear riders complaining.

All that may be about to change though, with the announcement by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) that it could soon start using existing historic legislation to prosecute cyclists who stray into the depths of its training estates.

Aldershot, known as the "home of the British army", is a prime example of south-eastern urban sprawl, where mountain biking might scarcely exist were it not for the miles of surrounding military land........continues..."

Full article: http://tinyurl.com/6be3srn

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