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1st road win of the year

Someone who wasn't nursing a hangover come New Year's Day was Dan McCarthy. Here's his report from the A31:

"Farnham Road Club, New Years Day 10 mile Time Trial - 1st Place
New Years Day - cold, very very cold. So cold in fact that I donned practically the entire wardrobe to race, with the new VCM kit looking a little bit Michelin Man'esque (let's say that the lean racing look certainly was not visible!). I planned on incorporating the 10 mile time trial within a longish ride in order to maintain the training preparation ready for the forthcoming spring stage racing season. I had a nice and early start time and caught the first two riders very quickly, just riding a calm, controlled race - trying to keep good cadence and aero position. Having done just base miles since September, with no specialist intervals/speed work, 23:19 was about as expected. Overall I won by just under 2 mins from Simon Kidd (Farnborough and Camberley).

Keep up the snow riding all, including Jamie this weekend - best of luck!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet it won't be ya last win either