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When Ken's ring was even bigger-picture special

If you thought Ken Ruffel used the big chain ring a tad too much for comfort sometimes, these photos suggests he's actually downsized since his days as a top London trackie. Ken reports:

"We were talking about tandem-racing and track-racing on the Wednesday morning run, so I dug out these old pics - see attached.

Pic 1: The Whitewebbs with Frank Westell (best soigner...ever!) We beat everyone in 1972, including the All London.

Pic 2: We talked about Yates & Hutchinson on the tandem. They didn't have a dinner plate like me & Claude had. We were fast, but not as fast as Sean and Hutch.

If you've any pics of your own, let's share them. It's great to see the old floppy brake cables, bendy shoes and woolly shorts!!


Ian said...

Robin webb on left and Claude Kearley extreme right. Ken second left but who is that next to Claude?

Unknown said...

Blimey Ken, I thought you were older than that; I assumed your tales of daring do and past glory related to penny farthings!
